
Books on User Interface Design and Related Topics

Links on each title go to a site where you can get the book or document. Most book-links are to

The criteria for inclusion of books in the list are explained following the list.

On This Page:


General Design

Platform-Specific Official GUI Style-Guides

Platform-Independent GUI Guidelines

Hybrid Design Guidelines and Process Guidelines

UI Process Guidelines

College Textbooks

Web UI Design

Graphic Design

Task-Analysis, Contextual and Participatory Design

Universal UI Design

Usability Testing, Evaluation, Engineering

HCI Collections Pertaining to UI Design

Business Analysis of Usability and User-Centered Design

Criteria for Inclusion in this List of UI Design Books

The books in this list are intended primarily for user-interface designers, software graphic designers, and UI programmers, i.e., UI practitioners. These books can be about any aspect of the UI design process: design guidelines, design process, evaluation and testing, benefit analysis. UI design books are a small subset of all books on Human-Computer Interaction.

This list excludes books written primarily about research topics for research-oriented readers. I don't consider those to be UI design books, even though some designers may read some of them for grounding in theory, methodology, and results. Similarly, the list excludes books that are intended as broad introductions to the entire field of Human-Computer Interaction, or that are explorations of future HCI technologies. A third type of book I have excluded are books specifically about how to implement user-interfaces using a particular GUI toolkit, e.g., "Developing GUIs with AJAX". I consider those UI implementation books, not design books.